Yesterday, Chris and I woke up, went to church, then out to breakfast! The day had started so well, but then I started to get a little sick, so we went home to relax and take a nap. Well, again, all was going well until I woke up from my nap! I had this nagging pain in my lower back but continued through the day like normal. We went to Sam's and then came home and I made spaghetti sauce! Chris and I then watched tv all night and went to bed. I then woke up in the middle of the night to turn over and thought I was going to die in pain! This pesky little pain had turned into an unbearable agonizing pain! Chris woke up with all my grunting and told me to lay flat on my back and remove my pillows... trying to get my back straight. Well, then my body decided it had to go to the bathroom! I was dreading getting up, but alas, I had to. Let me tell you, I again thought I was going to die... and thought I was going to kill myself! The pain was so bad and was now shooting down my right leg! It was so bad that I couldn't even sit on the toilet... and once I did make it down I was having stabbing pains throughout my leg and back. I then made it back to bed and tried to lay as flat as I could but the pain was so bad I started crying! Chris again woke up and was trying to be helpful, but said there was nothing he could do. So I laid there for about an hour and then finally fell asleep. I decided to call a doctor when I woke up to see if there was anything that they could do. I know I can't take many medicines, but I didn't know if there was anything else possible.
So I go to the doctor, sit in the waiting room for 2 and a 1/2 hours and then go back to see the doctor. I was there for about 20 minutes before the doctor came into the room and he told me he wanted to take an x-ray of my back to which I then replied I was pregnant and he said well, there was nothing he could do, and I was pretty much screwed! He said he wanted me to start physical therapy and take some Tylenol to help ease the pain. He also told me to call my OBGYN to see if he would prescribe anything stronger for me to take. So, after I left... and was highly upset... I called my doctor and talked to the nurse. She said that it sounded like my baby had shifted to my Sciatic Nerve and it was completely normal. I could take some Extra-Strength Tylenol, but that was about it. I am about at the 12 week mark, so I could then put a heating pad on it, but she wants me to wait until I hit the 12 weeks to make sure that no miscarriages occur.
I then called my mom, and she said karma is a bitch.. apparently when she was pregnant with me, I liked to camp out on her sciatic nerve and she still has problems with her nerves to this day! She was thankful I was her last child, because she didn't know if she could handle it again! I am now looking forward to what the future holds! Hopefully, it will not be that bad, and at least I have Tylenol to get me through it! Until next time...
Hey Holly, Loving the blog. Small request - is there anyway to make the text a little bigger? I feel old saying that, but it is hard for me to read :).