Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Call From the Dr.

Yesterday I was taking a nap and was quite oblivious to my phone ringing. Well, as you can guess, it was my Dr.'s office calling. They had the results back from me and Chris' blood tests. Everything was fine, except that I am Rh Negative and Chris is Rh Positive so after the baby is born I have to be vaccinated or something. The Dr. explained it like this: "It's like getting the flu for the first time. You get really sick and it's very ailing. However, the next time you are exposed to the virus you don't know because your body has created a defense to it." Sounds great, except when it comes to my baby! Apparently this child will be fine, but come future pregnancies we will have to take precautions and I have to get shots! I tell you... I apparently forgot to ask Chris what blood type he was when we were dating! I think this could have been relevant information for me to know! Anyway, it's apparently no big deal, happens all the time, but it still makes me scared a little bit! I was so worried about this baby and trying to do everything so I don't miscarry, but what about the next one? My body is going to try to kill it because it thinks it's an invader or something! I'm sure that next time I go to the Dr. I will get more information or at least ask a whole lot more questions about it! I don't go back to the Dr. until April 8, so I am sure that I will make a list of questions for him! I also am counting down the days until I get to see my baby again! I can't wait to see how big he/she is now!

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